web frameworks in the real world

… or sort of the real world.

While searching for a Rust web framework for my next project, i came across a benchmarking site which tests the performance of existing web frameworks across many languages. Coming from python, a Rust framework should improve performance, or put another way, reduce resource requirements by up to 85x!

Axum vs Flask benchmark

Since i’m porting a sample Flask app to Rust, here’s how 85x translates to the reality.

the setup

I’ve created a sample Flask app which leverages htmx as its frontend. It provides most of the functionality needed to build a (numerical) web app.

For the purposes of this benchmark, the python app uses:

For Rust, there is a, as of the time of writing, much thinner sample app that provides the same views. It leverages:



static page

The sample app provides a very simple home page which contains some text and pulls in the javascript and css dependencies.

axum-home Axum static page performance

flask-home Flask static page performance

The absolute time it takes for Axum to serve its assets to the browser was typically ~4-20x compared to Flask. This can be seen by comparing the Waiting for server response time values. This difference is reduced to ~2-5x when factoring in the downloading and processing of the assets by the browser. It is further reduced when considering the page as a whole to include external assets.

As a whole, page loads were similar between the frameworks, with the range of response times overlapping between ~700-900ms.

slightly more, cpu-“intensive” page

This page is not remotely cpu-bound but it does more than the static page. It presents three datasets: one taken from a 485KB csv, another from a 600B csv and lastly, one that is just randomly generated. Arguably, the most intensive aspect is on the browser to render the data. The data is retrieved through AJAX calls after page load.

axum-data Axum analytics page performance

flask-data Flask analytics page performance

On this page, Axum performed noticeably better, objectively and subjectively. Retrieving static page assets performed similarly to the land page results. When considering the content loaded via api requests, they generally returned ~2-100x faster in Axum.

For the full page, Axum rendered the page ~1-2x faster. In absolute terms, it would render up to 1.2s faster. On some occassions, Flask could complete as quickly but normally, Axum performed noticably better. In Axum, the “loading” dialog would rarely be visible where as in Flask, the loading was always present.

The app also provides this page as a SPA rather than loading the entire page. In this scenario, the results are similar where Axum typically loaded the page ~300ms quicker.

axum-spa-data Axum analytics SPA performance

flask-spa-data Flask analytics SPA performance

io-intensive page

The last page the sample app provides is a similar charting page that allows you to input a stock ticker and it will query Yahoo Finance for the data. For the purposes of benchmarking, I am treating the query to Yahoo as a query to a extremely distant/slow database.

axum-io-data Axum io-heavy page performance

flask-io-data Flask io-heavy page performance

In this case, the response of both Axum and Flask are comparable. In theory, Axum should be able to queue more requests but any performance gains would be assuming the “database” has the capacity to handle load.


Removing the browser and testing the web frameworks programmatically yields varied results but none that return in 85x improvements.

Testing the random api endpoint which effectively just generates a list of random numbers, Axum performed ~20% better, averaging 0.8ms faster response time per request.

Time to handle 1000 requests - random data endpoint

Testing the vehicle sales api endpoint which reads and processes a small csv, Axum performed ~4x better, averaging 12ms faster response time per request.

Time to handle 1000 requests - sales data endpoint

Testing the financial api endpoint which calls Yahoo api, Axum performed ~5x worse. I imagine this is due to the usage of synchronous calls.

Time to handle 100 requests - yahoo data endpoint

system resources

Finally, factoring in the scalability of each framework. Running Flask with 4 workers, under load required, ~600MB of memory and all the CPUs fully utilised.

Comparatively, Axum required ~60MB of memory to do the same task and it never fully saturated the CPUs meaning we had ability to handle significantly more capacity.

apologies on screenshots, i use transparent terminal background because i’m a monster

system usage when idle - ~560MB of memory
system usage when Axum handling requests to sales api - ~625MB of memory
system usage when Flask handling requests to sales api - ~1.1GB of memory

side notes

i'm assuming github is mining bitcoin when it's visited