podman: containers without docker

As a disclaimer, I have nothing against Docker. This is just an experiment for an alternative workflow.

When running containers locally, i use them solely to run services i depend on when developing an application which in most cases are some combination of: PostgreSQL, Redis, and MongoDB. To do this, i’ve been using the following file in some variation for years:

version: '3'

    image: postgres:13
    container_name: postgres
      - postgres-vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: always
    command: ["-c", "max_connections=32", "-c", "fsync=off"]
      - "5432:5432"
    image: redis
    container_name: redis
      - "6379:6379"
    image: mongo
    container_name: mongo
      - mongo-vol:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"


As you can see, all it does is start a container for each service with standard settings and it creates volumes for PostgreSQL and MongoDB so the data is persisted if i ever stop service. Nothing fancy is done with networking or any other configuration you can adjust and what exists is perfectly fine for my purposes of developing against specific databases but also not installing these services locally.

BUT, there is an alternative and in fact, if you run yum install docker in CentOS 8.2, it will install this alternative (at least in the image i used): Podman.

So what is Podman? Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. So what is it from the POV of someone who did very little reading and was confused when the docker command didn’t exist even after installing Docker? It’s Docker with some Kubernetes stuff sprinkled in (I know little about both).

So why would you use Podman aside from the fact it’s being installed when you originally wanted Docker? It apparently is:

With that said, even though it claims you can just alias docker=podman, some things i noticed when running Podman 2.2.1:

I’m sure there’s more to podman generate kube <pod> but at a high-level, it builds a docker-compose-like kubernetes-compatible file which you can use to build an equivalent environment on another machine(s). Since Podman 2.x doesn’t seem capable of running my docker-compose file, i manually created the environment:

# it didn't like sharing 'net' which is there by default so i removed it
podman pod create --name dev --share cgroup,ipc,uts 
# create volumes
podman volume create mongo-vol
podman volume create postgres-vol
# start services
podman run -td --pod dev --name postgres --volume postgres-vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p 5432:5432 --restart always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=podman postgres:13 \
postgres -c max_connections=32 -c fsync=off
podman run -td --pod dev --name mongo --volume mongo-vol:/data/db -p 27017:27017 --restart always \
podman run -td --pod dev --name redis -p 6379:6379 --restart always

Most of the typical docker commands are available through the podman command. One help command is podman logs <container> for debugging when things don’t work as expected.

One neat feature is that once you have the pod up and running you can run podman pod stop <pod> and podman pod start pod rather than docker-compose up -d/docker-compose down and having to recall the correct docker-compose file.

The resulting generated file can be found here. Running podman play kube <file> will create the pod if not created already.

And the end result of this:

docker htop docker memory usage on startup

podman htop podman memory usage on startup

So is it worth switching if your use case is to create a dev environment of 3 databases? No. But since you may not have a choice, it’s also not terrible.