til: clearing some bookmarks

Generally, when i read or watch technical things, i’ll bookmark the item for a later date, review it when i have time, and if i find them interesting i’ll keep them bookmarked. What usually happens is 3 years later, i’ll look at the bookmarks and wonder what it is and why i bookmarked it and i go through the entire cycle again until the information becomes outdated and i straight up delete it. This is mainly so i can clear bookmarks i have and avoid this cycle but hopefully this may be useful in the future. ¯\(ツ)


Why Distributed Systems Are Hard

distrbuted systems

Monolith Decomposition Patterns


Modern Continuous Delivery

modern cd


I Didn’t Know Postgres Could Do That

postgres tricks

fuzzy search

A few years ago, i built a solution to capture OpenStack events in ElasticSearch called Panko. It had little adoption once we broke it out of the Ceilometer service. Aside from the fact it didn’t provide much value, the main feedback i got from Ops was because it was ElasticSearch. Fast forward a few years and while actually doing Ops works, I realised why. Running ElasticSearch is a ~painful~ non-trivial operation. The managed service cloud providers provide is no better.

This talk is Django specific in that it uses Django’s ORM but can extrapolate this as it uses Postgres underneath. Ultimately, go down this route first as it saves the headache of ElasticSearch and minimises cost of adding another service and hiring an ElasticSearch consultant to tell you you’re doing it wrong.